That's me.
Chee Zhi Ying.
DMC 2B02.

Banner Designer

Event Programme Sketch and other sketches }Tuesday, January 31, 2012

CA2 poster sketch and also CA3 front page sketch.
CA3 Event Programme sketch.
The back view of a lady on the streets. Drawn using a mechanical pencil.
A dress of a certain reknown brand. Referred to Tumblr. Drawn using a mechanical pencil. 
"Stay strong." in cursive font. Written with a black drawing pen.
Spongebob Squarepants and his best friend, Patrick Star. Drawn  using a black drawing pen.
Stay strong. Written with a black drawing pen.
Back view of a lady wearing a dress with details. Drawing using a mechanical pencil.
"change" in thick and cursive font. Written using a black drawing pen.
"Learn to let things you cannot control go". A meaningful proverb found on Tumblr. Written with a black drawing pen.
Spongebob and Patrick suntanning! Drawn using a mechanical pencil.
The excited best friends. Drawn using a mechanical pencil.
A character from my favourite movie, Harry Potter. Drawn using a mechanical pencil.

How I Started Sketching. }

Sketching and drawing wasn't really my favourite hobby because I am not really good at it. But sometimes when I'm bored, I'd just draw random sketches of cartoon characters. The first sketch I did was of Jerry from the cartoon Tom and Jerry. I sketched Jerry from a tissue paper packaging. Then a classmate of mine said that actually, I'm pretty good in sketching. So yeah, I started exploring but sadly, found out that I could only sketch cartoon characters. Any sketches of other stuff are not as nice as cartoon sketches. 

I then started drawing more cartoon characters like Tom from Tom and Jerry, Tweety Bird, Spongebob Squarepants, Patrick Star, Domokun, and many more. I love cartoons a lot and that is why I started to sketch cartoon characters. I know it may not be such a great talent but I'm pretty glad that at least there's something I could draw. 

My favourite cartoon characters to draw would be Spongebob Squarepants and Patrick Star. Everytime I draw them, they're together because they're the best of friends. I think having best friends like the two of them would be a great pleasure in life. So I guess that is why they're my favourite characters that I always tend to draw. 

I hope to draw more sketches of clothes as I am pretty into drawing clothes right now although so far, my sketches are not really impressive. But I hope I'd improve as time goes by.

Illustrations. }Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Browsed the internet today and found quite a number of pretty interesting illustrations that caught my eye.

So these 3 pictures are of retro illustration styles. I like how the first picture gives me the "grungy" feel. The artist used turquoise, orange and yellow, which blends well together. The picture shows us clearly that the focus is the pair of swans that formed a heart shape.

The second picture depicts a couple of telephone boxes by the streets. The colour most used is red, which gives the picture a warm feeling, almost as if showing us that this picture is done during sunset or sunrise. I like how the picture is not painted clearly, almost in a haphazard manner.

And as for the last picture, it gives me a really soothing feeling due to the soft colours used like white, beige, purple, yellow, green and black. The picture seems to be giving off a sense of purity as majority of the picture is in white and that the picture is designed simply with no extravagant designs.

And these 3 pictures are of realistic illustration. It is really impressive and amazing how these pictures look so real. The one that looked almost as if it is real would be the picture of the cat. I think that if you were not to be informed, you would think that the cat is a photograph instead of a picture.

These seem to be the latest illustration trends these days as people are starting to adapt retro styles. Also, realistic illustration seems to be a trend that never dies.

When Sales Strike Orchard. }Thursday, January 12, 2012

Well, the title explains it all. When sales strike Orchard, advertisements of different forms are up to alert consumers. So here're three advertisements!

The colour red is known to be one of the most eye-catching colours. The advertisement is simple and conveys the message which is the sale, effectively. Also, the logo is obvious to the consumers. 

This is very eye-catching due to the repetition of the world "SALE" in white against the red background. It is also the colour theme for Uniqlo. It has a pulling power that attracts consumers to walk into the store. 

This is another ad, which to me I find it not very appealing. One thing is that it seems pretty messy to me and there's no main attraction point or pulling power in this ad. The colours are also not vibrant enough to catch the attention of consumers who walk by, thus this is not a very good ad. 

Overall I think that print advertisements should have a certain main focus or pulling power that's able to catch the consumers' attention, like bright colours or use huge contrasts of colours, big fonts, etc. If not, consumers will just walk by the advertisements and retailers might just lose a chance of earning more revenue!

SPOH. }Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Had a walk around the school during open house! So I realised that SP used several methods to educate and inform students about SP. SP gave out free goodie bags..

.. had banners, stands, tall cubes that list the courses that SP offers..

.. and also posted advertisements on nuffnang to promote the open house! The giving out of free goodie bags created an uproar not only among secondary school leavers but also polytechnic students! 

I'm not really sure if there's a specific theme to this year's open house but I'm pretty sure the tagline is "There will be no other side than bright. Get out there and seize possibilities.", which is printed on the goodie bag itself.

I think that, SP has done a great job in the visuals for this year's open house because this year's open house is so grand that it even amazes SP students. The message is widely known due to the fact that it is almost everywhere - on SPOH website, the free goodie bag and on banners. The whole environment was really hyped up and everyone seems so excited to know what's going on in SP. Tour guides were also wearing bright colours, showing students how vibrant polytechnic life can be. This year's open house is really grand adding on to the fact that there were new places like The Agency, which was renovated from the old studio. Overall, the open house was really great by using main colours like black, white and red for banners and posters and bright colours for other visuals. 

However I think that the tall cubes should be improved. The current font for the courses is too small and students may have a hard time reading those words as the words are too high up. The words can be placed in the middle like the following: 

I think that it's easier to read it this way and I also included the acronym of CASS so that students can feel more welcomed to SP. 

In all, I like this year's open house as it's very different from the previous years. Judging by the looks of the students who came to SP, they seem satisfied.

Some Creative Ads. }Friday, December 30, 2011

So there're many ads in the market now and many leave very little impression in the minds of the consumers but here's a few that caught my attention!

I think this is really creative. I mean, sometimes we have nothing to do while drinking something at a cafe or somewhere and we just look at the covers of our drinks. I think this ad definitely caught the attention of many.

A pretty cute advertisement! It's telling people that their pens are so fine that you can even write on your fingernail and still be able to read it! But I think it'll be banned in Singapore due to the fact that Singapore has really strict rules and regulations for advertisements and the MDA might think that this advertisements promotes cheating during examinations and tests.

What beats having a cup of coffee early in the morning? A free cup of coffee! Well, McDonald's was giving free coffee to consumers and they came up with this idea to let consumers to know about it! I think it's really creative and they must've spent a lot on this. But it definitely got a lot of attention.

I think this is really cool. Cos normally, drink driving lead to car accidents and one of the most common ones would be crashing into a tree or the railings at the side of the road. This actually serves as a warning and also a reminder to everyone that if you drink, don't drive!

I wonder how did advertisers actually came up with such ideas. Like, what is exactly in their brains? How did they arrive to such a decision that,"Oh, why not we do it this way.". It's really impressive, seeing the massive amounts of creative advertisements in the market right now. But at the same time, it's really competitive in the advertising industry. I think it'd be hard to even come up with one ad that's interesting enough to attract a handful of people cos I really lack creativity! 

Sketchbook. }Friday, December 2, 2011

So I drew a bit on my sketchbook which was given by a dear friend and I decided to upload two of my works here!

"Stay strong." in a cursive font. I found this on tumblr and decided to try to mimic it and I have to say it turned out pretty nice!

This is a drawing of my favourite cartoon, Spongebob Squarepants! Together with his best friend, Patrick Star. I know Patrick's legs seem a little uneven but yeah. I used my mechanical pencil to draw this and did no edits to it so it's just a raw sketch of it. Pretty satisfied with this though. It made me realise that I have a flair for drawing cartoon characters! :)